Case Study: Research & Writing for the City of Waukegan
City of Waukegan
Local Government
Environmental Policy
Community Engagement
Report Writing
Bowen Park Ravine offers sanctuary in Waukegan's urban landscape
Allie collaborated with elected officials, city staff, and local residents to gather input on barriers to public use of the ravines. Through public surveys, site visits, educational activities, and discussions, she identified residents’ key concerns such as safety and environmental degradation, including illegal dumping. She submitted her findings in the report Waukegan’s Ravines: Partnership and Progress Toward Healthier Spaces and People.
As part of the Climate and Health Institute at the University of Illinois Chicago, Allie Boman completed a 12-month internship with the City of Waukegan’s Planning and Zoning Department. The city had identified the need to improve its ravines for public use but lacked data on resident concerns and priorities. Allie’s role was to assess knowledge gaps and understand what was preventing residents from using and valuing these natural spaces.
In partnership with the Waukegan Planning and Zoning Office and the Waukegan Public Library, Allie collected 285 total responses from the Spanish and English versions of the survey. Respondents were demographically representative of Waukegan’s residents in most categories, and Allie noted suggestions for reaching underrepresented categories.
The report provided city leadership with actionable data on resident concerns and priorities for improving the ravines. It laid the groundwork for future revitalization efforts and helped bridge the gap between city officials and the community to promote sustainable land use and environmental stewardship.
Allie tabling at the Waukegan Public Library with Rachel Cantin, a Waukegan planner and report coauthor
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